Additional Notes

1)   Participating organizations/individuals should guarantee that their submitted materials do 

      not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights. If any evidence of plagiarism is

      discovered, the organizer may disqualify the participants based on their sole discretion. Any

      infringement of third-party rights shall be the sole responsibility of the participating

      organizations/individuals, and the organizer should not be liable. Additionally, the participant

      should compensate for any damages suffered by the organizer and its affiliated entities.

2)   The organizer, judging panel, and any staff involved in the contest will not disclose, inform, or  

       transmit any content or information related to the event in any way to third parties,   

       including themselves or others, for use or exploitation. This includes but is not limited to,   

       source codes, program codes, designs and compositions, product specifications,  

       technologies, models, processes, procedures, business models, or any other relevant  

       documents and audiovisual materials at any stage of development.

3)    The selection results will be announced on the Asia XR Golden Awards event website and the  

        official website, as well as the official Facebook page of XR EXPRESS TW. Finalists must attend  

        the award ceremony in person to receive recognition.

4)    Regardless of the selection outcome, submitted materials will not be returned.

5)    The event schedule and other information are subject to the latest announcements on the  

       event website.

6)    Participation in this event implies agreement to comply with the rules stated in this  


7)    The organizer reserves the right to modify these rules shall they find them insufficient and 

        will  announce any changes on the website.