About Us

Taiwan Association for Virtual and Augmented Reality (TAVAR)

Taiwan’s first VR/AR association and trade group dedicated to promoting virtual and augmented reality 

technology and accelerating industry growth through government collaboration. TAVAR aims to bridge 

the Taiwan XR industry to international markets by building a network of talent in the software, 

hardware, and creative fields, and establish a leading position in the world.

What we do:

• Innovation Space Rental

• Market Information Offered

• Technical Content Cooperation

• Cross-industry Exchange

• International Resource Connection

• Funding Matching Services


A governmental project advised by National Development Council (NDC) of Taiwan as one of its 

Industrial Innovation plans. The goal is to optimize the XR ecosystem within the country and to 

strengthen global connections. Taiwan Association for Virtual and Augmented Reality (TAVAR), 

the largest XR association in Taiwan to play the key executive role in the project. Towards this 

undiscovered destination, we bring together the dreamers, gather the forces of creativity, and forge 

a platform where the impossible can be achieved. Onward this journey, we will engage with the world, 

elevate to a higher plane, and explore the universe without limitation. 

Our vision: Bound for innovation, ride without limitation.